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Jasa ERP is a custom Accounting software

Number #1 IT company custom software HRD, Payroll, Inventory, POS, Trading, Manufacturing Accounting, etc.

Custom Flow & Document Forms

JASA ERP customers can arrange tiered free flow for approvals in each document, not only that, each document can be added, deleted or edited the forms according to the business dynamics of our customers.

Customable Reports

JASA ERP has a report with a simple, clear display and can be adjusted to the report results desired by the customer by managing the report in our program. Our reports can be emailed regularly, converted into PDF format or printed easily without installing a specific printer driver.

Lifetime Security Guaranteed

JASAERP provides lifetime security warranty service, if there is an error or technical damage whether intentional or not, we will repair and support it at no additional cost.

Easy to Use

JASA ERP program does not require special techniques or knowledge for its users, because our program interface is dynamic and easy to understand.

Dedicated Private Cloud

All JASA ERP programs are stored in a dedicated private cloud where our customers can access anywhere with all kinds of electronic devices. Not only that, our private cloud is also guarded by security robots for 7x24 hours which cover all possible security holes and routine data backups every day.

Much More Affordable

As SAAS (Software as a Service), JASA ERP program is certainly not as expensive as other ERP programs, our program already has a basic system that is ready to use and also allows for customization.

Business growth, tailor made

Jasa ERP has been researched and designed for management & solutions that you can customize for your business. When you think and move for bigger business, it's all our duty and responsibility as a technology partner

Jasa ERP merupakan software manufaktur cloud modern yang menyederhanakan siklus produksi, membantu melacak konsumsi material, menunjukkan perencanaan kapasitas, menangani subkontrak, dan banyak lagi!

Jasa ERP membuat manajemen aset tidak merepotkan - mulai dari pembelian hingga penghancuran, infrastruktur TI hingga peralatan. Cakup setiap cabang organisasi Anda, semuanya dalam satu sistem terpusat.

Jasa ERP adalah alat terbaik untuk melakukan lebih banyak dalam waktu yang lebih singkat. Dapatkan prospek, dorong penjualan, otomatiskan tugas-tugas biasa dan hubungkan dengan prospek Anda, terpusat.

Semua alat yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengelola arus kas di satu tempat, mulai dari mencatat transaksi hingga meringkas dan menganalisis laporan keuangan. Pembukuan jadi mudah!

Jasa ERP memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menyempurnakan dukungan pelanggan Anda di satu tempat - manajemen tiket di berbagai saluran, otomatisasi proses, pelacakan SLA, pelaporan, dan lainnya.

Rekrut dan kelola karyawan dan kehadiran, lacak cuti dan pengeluaran, dan tangani orientasi, pelatihan, dan penilaian secara efisien dengan Jasa ERP. Manajemen sumber daya manusia menjadi mudah.

Atur, jadwalkan, rencanakan, dan analisis proyek dengan pendekatan berbasis tugas yang akan merampingkan kolaborasi tim dan mempercepat pekerjaan Anda.

Lacak tingkat inventaris, isi ulang stok, dan kelola pesanan penjualan, pelanggan, pemasok, pengiriman, kiriman, dan pemenuhan pesanan.

Our Special Feature

Jasa ERP always develop to answer various needs

Barcode EAN otomatis

Notifikasi Whatsapp langsung

Terintegrasi dengan bank nasional

What makes us different? Support Android & iOS !

Jasa ERP have been designed to suit all business needs anytime and anywhere

Brands who trust us

Jasa ERP has been designed for management & solutions that you can customize for your business. When you think bigger and bigger, it's all our responsibility as a technology partner.

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Lets consult with us. FREE!

+62 8214 0581 189

Jakarta | Surabaya | Denpasar
